Thursday, July 18, 2019
Effectiveness Of Therapeutic Play Health And Social Care Essay
This chapter dealt with literature mention sing curative drama and painful processs and surveies related to Gate Control Theory. This chapter besides dealt with conceptual model of Melzack and Wall ( 1965 ) Gate Control Theory. CHAPTER-III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter deals with the methodological analysis selected for measuring the effectivity of curative drama on degree of hurting during endovenous canulation. The function of methodological analysis consists of processs and techniques of carry oning a survey. ( Sharma,1990 ) Methodology is a important portion of the research under which the research worker is able to project a bluish print of the research undertaken RESEARCH APPROACH The subdivision of research attack is the basic process for carry oning a research question. In position of the nature of the job selected and aims to be accomplished, a quantitative appraising research attack was considered appropriate to measure the effectivity of curative drama before making endovenous canulation among kids admitted in selected infirmary, Salem. RESEARCH DESIGN Research design is the overall program for turn toing research worker ââ¬Ës inquiries including specification for heightening the survey ââ¬Ës unity. ( Polit and Beck, 2004 ) Choice of design is based on the intent of the survey. The research design adopted for the survey was Non-equivalent Post trial merely control group design. Group Day 1 Experimental group X O1 Control group O1 Fig-3.1: Conventional representation of research design Keies: Ten: Intervention on curative drama. O1: Post-test merely to measure the degree of hurting during endovenous canulation. VARIABLES UNDER STUDY: A variable is a mensurable or potentially mensurable constituent of an object or event that may fluctuate in quality or measure from one person, object or event to another single object or event of the same general category. ( Basavanthappa, 1998 ) The variables under the survey was the followers, Independent variable: Harmonizing to Polit and Hungler, ( 1999 ) the independent variable is believed to care or act upon the behavior and thoughts. In this survey the independent variable refers to curative drama before making endovenous canulation. Dependent Variable: The dependant variable is the variable, the research worker is interested in understanding, explicating and predating. ( Polit and Hungler, 1999 ) In this survey the dependant variable refers to the degree of hurting during endovenous canulation among kids. Extraneous Variable: The variables that are present in research environment which may interfere with research findings by moving as unwanted independent variable. ( Woods and Khan, 1994 ) In this survey it refers to selected demographic variables such as age in old ages, gender and behavioral response to endovenous canulation. Setting OF THE STUDY: The scene of the survey is the physical location and status in which information aggregation takes topographic point. ( Polit and Hungler, 2009 ) The survey was conducted in Pranav Hospital, Salem. It is located near to New Bus Stand and about 2kms distance from the establishment, where the research worker is analyzing. The infirmary is 150 stratified multi forte infirmary with 30 bed in Paediatric unit. Population: Harmonizing to Polit and Beck. , ( 2004 ) population is the full collection of instances in which a research worker is interested. Population may be of two types, accessible population and mark population. In this survey two are described. Target Population: It refers to the population that the research worker wishes to do a generalization. In this research the mark population was kids acquiring admitted in Pranav Hospital. Accessible Population: It refers to the sum of instances which confirm to the designed standards and which is accessible to the research worker as the pool of topics or objects. In this survey the population consisted of kids acquiring admitted in Pranav Hospital who were undergoing endovenous canulation during the period of survey. Sample: Harmonizing to Polit and Beck. , ( 2004 ) sampling is the procedure of choosing a part of population to stand for the full population. Sample is the subset of population elements. In this survey the samples selected from kids of age group 3-6 old ages undergoing endovenous canulation in Pranav Hospital who fulfil the inclusion standards. Sampling TECHNIQUE AND SAMPLE SIZE Thomas. , ( 1990 ) defines trying is the procedure of choosing units for survey from a population. In this survey Purposive sampling technique was used to choose sample. Sample size was 20 for control group and 20 for experimental group. CRITERIA FOR SAMPLE SELECTION Inclusion Standards: The topic was selected based on the preset standards, aÃâ ? Children between the age group of 3-6yrs. aÃâ ? Children who had admitted in pediatric ward for the intervention through endovenous canulation. Exclusion Standards: aÃâ ? Mentally challenged kids. aÃâ ? Children with critically sick or of exigency admittance. DESCRIPTION AND INTERPRETATION OF TOOLS The instrument selected in research must be vechile that obtain best informations for pulling decision to the survey. ( Treece and Treece, 1986 ) The tool developed based on the information gathered from relevant literature reappraisal. The content cogency of the demographic informations and independent variable was established by obtaining sentiment from 5 experts ( 3 Nursing experts and 2 Medical experts ) . Tool -1: Demographic informations: It includes age in old ages, gender, behavioral response to endovenous canulation of the kid. Demographic information of the instrument was non scored but used for descriptive analysis. Tool-2: Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale: This evaluation graduated table is recommended for kids of ages 3and older. It consists of mark 0,2,4,6,8,10. During the clip of endovenous canulation the facial look of the kid was assessed by the research worker with this hurting graduated table. Face 0-no injury, Face 2-hurts merely a small spot, Face 4-hurts a little more, Face 6-hurts even more, Face 8-hurts a whole batch, Face 10-hurt every bit much as we can conceive of. Based on the hiting the hurting degree was assessed. Development of curative drama for direction of painful processs: A curative drama on direction of painful processs was prepared to diminish the degree of hurting during endovenous canulation. The stuffs used were venflon without stillet, plaster, stuffed doll with endovenous injection site, splint. The presentation was done by the research worker utilizing the needed stuffs and so the kid was allowed to pattern the endovenous canulation for the doll. This method was done before making endovenous canulation to the kid by the staff nurse. VALIDITY OF THE TOOL AND INDEPENDENT VARIABLE: The content was validated by the same 5 experts who validated the tool ( demographic variable ) and independent variable as per the standard. Harmonizing to experts suggestions the necessary images were included in the independent variable. It was translated in Tamil and once more retranslated in English by the linguistic communication experts severally. PILOT STUDY: Pilot survey is the little scale version or a trail tally done in readying for major survey. ( Polit and Hungler, 1999 ) The Pilot survey was conducted in SKS Hospital at Salem. After acquiring the written permission from concerned authorization, researcher conducted survey from 4.08.2010 to 11.08.2010 among kids who underwent endovenous canulation. The intent of the survey was explained to the samples and their parent every bit good as written consent was obtained from them. The entire size was 2 for control group and 2 for experimental group. Purposive sampling technique was used for sample choice. For the control group without giving intercession, the degree of hurting was assessed. A concise information analysis done by utilizing descriptive and illative statistics. The consequence of the survey showed the average station trial degree of hurting for control group as 90 % and for experimental group as 50 % . After that the ââ¬Ët ââ¬Ë value was calculated to happen out the important difference between the degree of hurting for control group and experimental group at P & lt ; 0.05 degree of significance. No important difference was seen between the control group and experimental group. No association was found between station trial degree of hurting and their age, gender and behavioral response of the kid. Since the sample size was merely 2 for control group and 2 for the experimental group. so the survey was non found as important in ââ¬Ët ââ¬Ë trial and chi-square trial. DATACOLLECTION PROCEDURE: Harmonizing to Polit and Hungler. , ( 1999 ) , ââ¬Å" Data aggregation is the assemblage of information needed to turn to a research job â⬠. Data aggregation for the survey was done from 18.08.2010 to 05.09.2010 in Pranav Hospital at Salem. Initially the research worker got the permission from the concerned authorization. Then the population were identified from the kids who have got admitted in the infirmary were selected by utilizing purposive sampling technique based on the inclusion standards. The sample size was 20 kids as control group and 20 as experimental group and the intent of the survey was explained to the samples and their parent every bit good as willingness to take part was assured by taking written consent of the parent of each sample and giving confidence for maintaining their information confidentially. At first the control group was selected and no intercession was given. On the twenty-four hours of admittance the hurting degree was assessed, during endovenous canulation by utilizing Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale. After the control group got finished, the experimental group was selected by purposive sampling technique. On day-1, after the kid got admitted, the parents and the kid were introduced by the research worker. The intercession on curative drama given. A particular room was provided to them in the presence of playthings. The research worker clearly explained and taught about the curative drama by utilizing a stuffed doll and the other needful stuffs. The research worker demonstrated the curative drama. Then the research worker made the kid to pattern the endovenous canulation on the doll by doing an unreal endovenous canulation site utilizing a venflon without stillet. After the intercession the research worker identified that the kid got relaxation from the emphasis of hospitalization. The continuance of the intercession was 20 proceedingss. After the intercession the kid was made to be ready for endovenous canulation. The endovenous canulation was done by the staff nurse. The post-test degree of hurting was assessed during the endovenous canulation by utilizing the same tool. Plan FOR DATA ANALYSIS Collected informations were planned for analysis by utilizing the frequence distribution, descriptive ststistics ( mean, SD, average mark per centum ) and illative statistics ( pupil ââ¬Ët ââ¬Ë trial, Chi-square trial ) .This was done to happen out the effectivity of curative drama degree of hurting among kids who underwent endovenous canulation. Summary This chapter dealt with the methodological analysis of how the research worker had planned and organized for the informations aggregation, the method of hiting and description of tool, pilot survey, informations aggregation process and program for informations analysis.
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